Foundation Leadership

Foundation Leadership

St. Rose Hospital Foundation is governed by a local Board of Directors whose diverse range of disciplines and experiences bring leadership, presence and community engagement. Working together, our active Board enables the Foundation to raise the support and resources necessary to assist the hospital in achieving its mission.

St. Rose Foundation Board of Directors

Ronald G. Peck, Chair
Jeanette De La Torre, Vice Chair
Rosemarie Marchiano, Immediate Past Chair  
Catherine E. Carlson
Alan McIntosh
Michael Cobb, Executive Director
Ridhima “Amanda” Ahuja
Alexandra Budde, DVM
Eve Grau
Nicky E. Henkelman
Brian Hughes
Michael Jones
Lucy Lopez
Robert G. Mallon
Arun M. Mehta, MD
Lawrence J. Ratto
Linda Renteria
Hayward City Mayor Mark Salinas
Hayward City Councilmember J. Francisco Zermeño

Emeritus Directors

Sandra D. Davini
Julie Greer
Ronald F. Ivaldi
Robert Putman
Robert Putman
Pamela A. Russo, RN
Robin Wilma
Bing H. Young, MD